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Use Realm's free-to-use data & insights to stand out from the crowd

Impress your clients with a data-driven approach

Increase your mindshare with past clients

85% of your revenue comes from people you know or people they know. Carve out 30 minutes a week to use Realm's insights to deepen your relationships following these 3 steps:

Look up a property

Select 'I'm the realtor'

Send a personal note

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Realm is 100% free for agents to use

Realm is a one-stop-shop for your clients to get unbiased data and property insights. Our recommendations are free to use and help your clients increase the resale value of their home, maximize rental income, access capital, and enjoy their space more.

Use Realm to:

  • Re-engage with past clients
  • Personalize cold outreach
  • Build meaningful relationships

Have a question? Email us at [email protected]

How it works
Our Community

Banna Fakhoury

Realm brings added value to my business as I can now help guide clients on certain home renovation projects prior to listing or after they buy their home. I also love how Realm recommends local contractors within the area ensuring my clients are guided in the right direction.


Richard Panier

Realm brings great value to homeowners that are looking to increase their ROI. It teaches them to prioritize certain home projects while showing them how that can impact their home value


Jason Sirois

I love Realm’s platform! I am using it to help clients increase their home value so they can sell their home at a specific price point in order to meet their financial goals


Julie Do

I am working on seller client, and it has been great using Realm to help them visualize the scope of the project they are looking to do before putting the home on the market

Washington DC

Kimberley Agado

I am looking forward to sharing Realm with my clients who are looking to renovate their homes. It’s very useful to help my clients have a better sense of what a project might cost and how that will impact the home’s value. I am also looking forward to using this myself for my own home!

Southern California

Rhianon Schuman

I love the platform and am looking forward to learning more ways on how I can leverage the reports and dashboard to engage with my clients more effectively


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