FAQs about Realm

Frequently asked questions about Realm

How do you calculate prices?

Our estimates factor in labor and materials, as well as things like permitting, equipment, and fees. And we use a combination of data sources to give you tight pricing estimates:

  • Local bids: We analyze recently completed projects near your home to make sure you’re getting an accurate estimate for your area.
  • Customization: Each project is different, from the size and scope to materials and finishes. We give you pricing that matches your plans.
  • Real-time updates: Project costs change all the time — monthly, weekly, sometimes even daily. You get estimates that reflect the most up to date pricing data.
How do you vet contractors?

All of the contractors in our invite-only network go through a thorough vetting process that includes:

What if I don’t like my contractors?

Our goal is to find you the right person for your project. That includes finding someone who fits your budget, timeline, communication style, and overall project goals. If you don't like your contractor options for any reason, we'll introduce you to more!

What is a Realm Advisor?

A Realm Advisor supports you throughout the entire renovation process, from start to finish. They help you understand what's possible on your property, provide detailed pricing estimates, match you with vetted contractors, help you review bids and negotiate with contractors, and even help you understand your financing options. They're your single point-of-contact for all your renovation questions and are available 24/7.

How does Realm make money?

When you work with a Realm Advisor, you put down an advisory fee. If you decide to move forward with a project and work with one of our vetted contractors, you get 100% of the advisory fee back and the vendor pays us a small fee. It's a win-win!

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Published by Realm

Get more out of your biggest asset: your home. Realm shows you what your home could be worth & how to access more of its potential value. View more posts

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We currently cover most standalone, single family homes.